Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Your Lawn How to Mow it Properly

yard with a yard stick to measure the lenth of grass
Mowing one’s lawn has somewhat become an art of sorts. While others may choose to simply mow their way along the grass and disregard what happens, properly mowing the lawn is important especially in keeping the grass and the ground healthy.

Want some tips on how to do that? Well here are some of them.

Lawn mowing Tips

1. Before mowing your lawn, remove rocks and sticks that may get in the way. Doing this prevents the materials from getting hurled by the mower.

It is something that could be fatal and therefore should be avoided.

2. Keep your lawn healthy by not cutting the grass too short. A simple rule of thumb to go by is not to cut more than a third of your grass's length. Each type of grass has an optimum height for when you cut your grass and what height it should be when you are finished.

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Short List of Grass Optimum Height List

You read the list by finding your grass and the first number is the height in inches that the grass should be when cut. The second number is the height of the grass that needs to be cut.

Grass Optimum Height List
Never Cut Your Grass in a Drought
Bluegrass 2 inches 3 inches
Perennial Ryegrass 2 inches 3 inches
Tall Fescue 2 inches 3 inches
Fine Fescue 2 inches 3 inches
St. Augustine 2 inches 3 inches
Buffalograss 2 inches 3 inches
Bermuda 1.5 inches 2.25 inches
Zoysia 1.5 inches 2.25 inches
Centipede 1.5 inches 2.25 inches

You don't have to follow these heights but with shorter grass heights mean shallower root growth.

3. If you find the activity of mowing your lawn as something therapeutic, try not to be overeager about it.

You actually don’t have to cut the grass every week; just cut it when the grass begins to look too unkempt. Give you grass time to grow and they surely will grow healthy.

4. Don’t throw the cut grass away. While it may seem that it helps in keeping your lawn looking neat and tidy, you should keep it on top of the grass.

Once the cut grass decomposes, it will act as mulch or a fertilizer for your lawn.

5. Finally, try to keep your mowing pattern as varied as possible every time you do this activity. It keeps the growth of your grass straight. Not all gardeners agree on this aspect, though.

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Tips For a Better Yard: Mowing and Edging (Video)

Did you know that mowing your lawn actually keeps it healthy and promotes root growth? Its true: proper mowing of your lawn not only keeps your yard looking great but it also helps it thrive. In this video we talk about the proper way to mow your lawn and also how to edge as well. http://bit.ly/LawnAndGarden

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