Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Proper Lawn Maintenance: How to Keep a Healthy Lawn

properly maintained lawn with irrigation system
If you want your lawn to be as lush and healthy as possible, there are a few things that you are going to want to know when it comes to lawn maintenance.

First and foremost, you should know that do it yourself lawn care is not difficult, and so as long as you are willing to put in a bit of time and effort here, you can take care of all the lawn maintenance yourself.
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Most homeowners do not realize the importance and significance of mowing their lawn. This is a key element to lawn maintenance, and you need to make sure that you are doing it right. The importance of good mowing practices is often overlooked but has a major influence on turf density, and the overall quality of a home lawn.

You want to make sure that you are not mowing the lawn too short, as lower mowing produces a shallow root system. As a result of this, the lawn will not be able to take in and hold enough water, and will end up drying out and becoming dehydrated.

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Short List of Grass Optimum Heights

You read the list by finding your grass and the first number is the height in inches that the grass should be when cut. The second number is the height of the grass that needs to be cut.

Grass Optimum Height List
Never Cut Your Grass in a Drought
Bluegrass 2 inches 3 inches
Perennial Ryegrass 2 inches 3 inches
Tall Fescue 2 inches 3 inches
Fine Fescue 2 inches 3 inches
St. Augustine 2 inches 3 inches
Buffalograss 2 inches 3 inches
Bermuda 1.5 inches 2.25 inches
Zoysia 1.5 inches 2.25 inches
Centipede 1.5 inches 2.25 inches

You don't have to follow these heights but with shorter grass heights mean shallower root growth.


This is another very important issue on the topic of lawn maintenance. You need to make sure that your lawn is getting all the nutrients it needs, and the amount of nutrients required by a home lawn is best determined by soil testing. You can do this on your own as well, or you can have a professional come in and get it done quickly.
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You want to put careful consideration into the types of fertilizers that you are using on your lawn, and know that there are many natural and organic products out there that you can use so that you don’t have to rely on chemical-based products. But, chemical-based fertilizers are easier and show quicker results. Just remember you can always add more in two weeks but once applied you can not take it back. And to much will OD your lawn. Then when you get your lawn looking decent, use the slow release natural products.
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This is one of the most important processes of all in lawn maintenance. If your lawn is not properly irrigated, it will become dehydrated and die. Too much water can cause thatch, so you also need to be cautious and not overdo it.

Irrigating in the morning when there is little or no wind is the best idea, for a couple of reasons. Mainly this is because you will be able to make sure that the entire lawn is getting watered and not just parts of it. You want even water distribution for the best results.

The main reason for irrigating in the early morning hours is so that the water doesn't sit on the grass, all night long, encouraging fungus problems. Which is a big problem in the south. When the sun comes up you start loosing water to evaporation.
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These are all very helpful tips which will assist you with your home lawn care and ensure that your lawn stays as green and healthy as possible.

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WPT The Wisconsin Gardener - Growing a Healthy Lawn

Growing and maintaining a healthy lawn can be achieved with a minimal amount of work and chemicals. Shelly Ryan joins Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, UW-Extension Specialist Jim Kerns at the O.J. Noer Turfgrass Research Facility to learn how proper mowing, fertilizing and pest control keep lawns green and lush.

Watch The Wisconsin Gardener on Wisconsin Public Television and visit the show's website at for more video, gardening tips and recipes!

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