Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Beginners Guide to Lawn Care

cutting grass with scissors
When it comes to lawn care, there are many different tips and pieces of advice which will come in very helpful and ensure that you perform proper lawn maintenance.

However, out of all of these, there a few aspects to lawn care in particular which are of great importance and which you will need to learn more about.

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Many people do not understand the importance of proper fertilizing. This is one of the most important components of lawn care in general, and one that you need to take very seriously. Ideally, a home lawn will only need to be fertilized when nutrient levels drop below what is needed to maintain it in a healthy condition.
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This means that you will need to be testing the soil on a regular basis, to ensure that the levels are proper and then supply it with what it needs if that is the case.
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Keep in mind that the type of grass, soil, age of the lawn, weather conditions and various other factors are going to play a role here, and you may need a lawn care professional to help you out with this.
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Another very important lawn care component and one that many homeowners are not aware of is thatch. This is a layer of dead and living shoots, stems and roots that builds up between the green vegetation and soil surface.

Thatch has high lignin content and because of this resists microbial breakdown. Thatch tends to accumulate if the growth of the crowns and lateral stems exceeds their decomposition.


Of course we all know how important watering is to proper lawn care. However, did you know that over-watering can be just as bad as not watering at all? If you water too often you will end up drowning the grass and it will not have the effort to push up and grow.

You really need to keep an eye on the weather, how often it rains, when you are going through a drought period, and so on, so that you are aware of when your grass needs watering. The best idea, especially if you do not have a green thumb, is to have an irrigation system installed. This way you will have all the watering taken care of for you and you will never have to worry about watering the lawn yourself.

All of these tips are going to come in very handy for you so that you can start taking care of your lawn and keep it in pristine condition.

How To Complete A Regular Lawn Care Maintenance

This is a step by step video on how to complete a regular lawn care maintenance. It includes how to edge a yard, how to weed eat, how to mow, and how to blow.

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  1. Just bought my very first home. Now I have to take care of a lawn for the first time, and I have no idea how. Your tips on watering are going to be very helpful. I'm sure if I follow them I'll have a great looking lawn by the end of the spring.

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