Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Images Walking US HWY 50 Las Animas Colorado

muddy water going to the arkansas river

I thought that I would have to walk to Lamar to get a room but it isn't late yet, little tired but not bad. When I cross the little brigde there were hundreds and hundreds of fish of all sizes. You could have feed at least 15 people. But, I've jumped ahead too far. Let's fall back a little.

purgatoir river before it empties into the arkansas river

I stayed in the midtown motel in La Junta about an hour before check out. Started walking. With my inactivity I have to stay and let my body rest. I am doing better, and still have some eatible marijuana and quite a bit of smoking weed, and the liquid THC for the e-joints.

I walk and walk and walk, yea that's right and walk some more, people are just afraid to stop and help someone get down the road. Eating my marijuana, in the form of sour gummies, has made it so I can sleep all through the night. So my body has been able to rejuvenate quicker than I thought was possible. And I haven't had to eat any Tums or Alka-Seltzer. Stomach seems to like eating marijuana also.

Arkansas River levee is protected by this metal fence

I walk and walk resting a lot more than I want. I have stayed in every motel more than one night. So I have practiced walk every day. Not enough to make my body bitch, but, enough to build endureance.

I came to the levee of the Arkansas River and it had this double row of fence. A fence is the only thing that I can think of calling it. The only reason I can see for having it is too protect the levee.

The Arkansas River

Yes this is the Arkansas River. Doesn't look much like a river with all of the water being used to water with. There was a big river bed but a small creek running in it. The big ass river bed is covered with brush.

Vegetation under the bridge is mostly cattails here

On the other side of the bridge I took the photo of the mostly cattails. Being in my sixties I couldn't really make out what was in the river bed, so I photographed it and blew it up and still couldn't tell. Except for the Cattail: Pictures, Flowers, Leaves and identification. I keep walking.

sign for the bent fort in and restaurant

It wasn't long and I came across the Bent's Fort Inn and Restaurant. It looked good and was in my price range, the resturant was the selling point that work. I freshened up and relaxed then it was time for dinner. Or at least it was open for food. I order beef and rice, Chinesses went to my room ate.

the building of Bent's Fort Inn and Restaurant

Pueblo Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution 1909 engraved marking the Santa Fe Trail

I got up and went for a walk and that is where I found these mud nest for the Swallow or martins. Under the over-pass you find these nest in the corners of the concrete road and concrete encased iron I-beams.

Mud nests begin as many little balls of mud stuck on a vertical surface such as an exterior wall. They will be located up near the top where the wall meets with the soffit at a 90 degree angle, and eventually the nest will be anchored to both surfaces.

mud nest of the swallows or martins

The nest grows to the size of a softball or grapefruit with a cup-shaped hole at the top. Working the mud with their beaks and feet, the birds close up the top until there is only a small entrance.

cows grazing in a pasture

The next morning I left about an hour before check-out. Walking to Lemar I ran across these cow grazing in the pasture. Now this grass is green but, I seen cow in brown grass and looking good. Really Good.

grazing sheep behind a fence

Some people even grow sheep out here and they look good also.

Metal sign for Smith Quarter Horse

I didn't see any horses along side HWY 50 but this metal sign was at an entrance.

Prettiest white flower alongside us hwy 50

To top my morning walk off here is the prettiest flowering weed that I have seen and also have my camera charged.

It is off to Lamar I go.

I Like Las Animas County video

Uploaded on Apr 22, 2016
A pictorial visit of Las Animas County depicting various cultural and historical highlights as seen thorough the eyes of the County's youth.

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Keep Smiling

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